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Tired of overblown events? We hear you.

At Masterclassing we know the power of human connection. That's why we keep all of our global knowledge-exchange events intimate, time-efficient, and free-to-attend. We've designed them this way so that you can speak directly to industry experts, connect with other leaders, and find real business solutions.


Ready to supercharge your digital marketing?  See our full list of virtual and in-person events.

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Looking for tools to futureproof your HR?  See our full list of virtual and in-person events.

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Want to adopt sustainability as a core value?  See our full list of virtual and in-person events.

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Need to take your Cyber knowledge to the next level?  See our full list of virtual and in-person events.

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Interested in Speaking?

We’re always looking for experts to share their knowledge and inspire at scale. 

Do you have game-changing technologies and innovative tools? Can you present outstanding case studies that showcase real business outcomes? Do you want to share your expertise and knowledge with leaders in your sector? If so, we'd love to hear from you.

Get involved

Knowledge is power, so it’s worth sharing.

What's the opposite of bloated, large conferences and EXPOs?


Our Masterclasses.


We think business events should help you find solutions. That's why we keep all of our Masterclasses intimate and conversational. And it's why more than half of every event is dedicated to knowledge exchange and roundtable sessions.


Our in-person Masterclasses or online workshops are the perfect forum for asking questions, sharing ideas, and discovering innovative business solutions.